Cis varietes.

On this page I plased for the fans some versions stamps ex-USSR countries and around Russia, which were not included in the catalogues or simply rare stamps.Small comments yet

Altai region, local issue 1993, has postal circulation in may-october 1993
Kazahstan 1992 overprints on USSR definitives 
Kazahstan 1992 overprints on USSR definitives  (Space issues)
Kazahstan 1992 stamps "Turksib"-omissed Framework around of figure
Kyrgysia 1992 overprints on USSR definitives 
Lietuva 1992
Piatigorsk local issue
Sankt-Petersburg local issue
Tadjikistan  1992 overprints on USSR definitives 
Tobolsk local issue
Some local issue with unknown status
Uzbekistan 1992 overprints on USSR definitives 
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